Annual Public Health Report 2024

The focus of the 2024 Annual Public Health Report for Suffolk is ageing well.

Ageing well challenges the conventional narrative of a 'typical' older person. While age is often seen as just a number, it represents far more—a complex and diverse journey shaped by individual experiences, needs, and aspirations. Adopting a holistic perspective on ageing allows us to celebrate this diversity and respond meaningfully to the opportunities and challenges it presents. 

This report is not just about understanding the challenges—it’s about envisioning and working towards a future where Suffolk is a place where everyone can live and age well.

As part of this years report we asked Healthwatch Suffolk to conduct research about ageing well in Suffolk. Summary findings are provided in the report above. 

However, you can also view their research findings in full: 

We also ran three Ageing Well Challenge Labs.  These were run by the Integrated Care Academy. Again, summary findings are provided in the report above, and the full report is available below: 

"To enhance the quality of life for older adults, we must not only continue improving health and wellbeing but also create environments that actively support healthy ageing."
Suffolk Annual Public Health Report 2024
"To meet the needs of our ageing population, we must move beyond outdated stereotypes and shift the narrative. It’s essential to address the wide-ranging experiences of older adults and create a Suffolk that is truly age-friendly, where healthy ageing is actively supported and celebrated."
Stuart Keeble - Director of Public Health
Stuart Keeble - Director of Public Health
“It is too simplistic to say that more older people inevitably means a greater burden of disease and disability. While overall a growing older population is driving greater demand for health and care services, such a calculation misses the possibility of improving health in later life and fails to account for the fact that investing in more appropriate services and interventions may reduce demand for more expensive forms of care.”
Age UK: The State of Health and Care of Older People in England 2024
"To enhance the quality of life for older adults, we must not only continue improving health and wellbeing but also create environments that actively support healthy ageing."
Suffolk Annual Public Health Report 2024
"To meet the needs of our ageing population, we must move beyond outdated stereotypes and shift the narrative. It’s essential to address the wide-ranging experiences of older adults and create a Suffolk that is truly age-friendly, where healthy ageing is actively supported and celebrated."
Stuart Keeble - Director of Public Health
Stuart Keeble - Director of Public Health

Videos used in the Annual Public Health Report 2024: