Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

Describing the health and wellbeing needs and assets of Suffolk

What is the JSNA?

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) assesses the health needs of Suffolk's population to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

 The JSNA underpins the  work of the Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board.

Suffolk on a page infographic.

Suffolk on a page infographic

About the JSNA

Why do we have the JSNA?
Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) identify the current and future health, care, and wellbeing needs of the local population. They are a fundamental part of health and wellbeing strategies, guiding the development of services and policies to meet community needs effectively. The primary legislation underpinning JSNAs is the Health and Social Care Act 2012.  
Who produces the JSNA?
Most of the Suffolk JSNA is created by the Knowledge Intelligence and Evidence Team. We are part of the Public Health and Communities directorate. We may include reports and information by others if it is robust, timely and helpful in understanding the health and wellbeing of the Suffolk population.
What makes up the JSNA?
We produce Health Needs Assessments (HNA), profile reports, data dashboards, and Annual Public Health Reports (APHRs).
How do I request a JSNA product?
You can start the conversation by emailing us at: We aim to respond within 5 working days.
How do we prioritise content?
We want our work to have an impact on the health and wellbeing of our population. We focus on priorities in the current Suffolk Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy. We’re interested in topics we’ve not covered before, and information that will support commissioning decisions.
How do we assure quality?
All content is reviewed before publication. HNAs have a stakeholder steering group that agrees the scope, terms of reference and timescales. Stakeholders can suggest amendments to the content but a consultant in Public Health gives the final sign off.

Our publications

Content of the JSNA by theme

The JSNA contents have been grouped by core themes:
Starting well
JSNA resources on children and young people
Being well in mid-life
JSNA resources on working age adults (25-64 years of age)
Ageing well
JSNA resources on people aged 65 and older
The inequality gap
JSNA resources on the difference in health & wellbeing between different Suffolk groups
JSNA resources on Suffolk's whole population - and place
Climate adaptation
JSNA resources on climate change, pollution, living environment and sustainability

Essential JSNA products

Key items including our annual reports (APHRs), the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, and our place-based needs assessments (PBNAs)
Suffolk APHR
Annual Public Health Reports (APHRs) for Suffolk
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
Place-based needs assessments for Suffolk
JSNA blog
Monthly Suffolk blog
Suffolk tiles
Infographic summarising Suffolk facts and figures on a page
Suffolk local insight
Community mapping and reporting tool (external site)

General information on Suffolk

These links include our scrolling five minute summary, our analyses of Census data, and Local Insight, where you can create your own data maps.
Only have five minutes?
Interactive headline figures on Suffolk
Terms and abbreviations used in public health
Suffolk Observatory
Suffolk's vital statistics (external site)