Ageing well is important for Suffolk residents to maintain quality of life, independence, and community engagement, while reducing healthcare costs and supporting a resilient local community.
Suffolk's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is created as web pages, PowerBI dashboards, PDF documents, infographics and other formats.
Suffolk statistics are compared to England where possible. Smaller areas of Suffolk are contrasted with the whole county.
This page groups JSNA content most relevant to ageing well. To see everything related to the JSNA, go to the main JSNA page or search the report index.
The infographic is a Suffolk overview - use it with other JSNA data & resources. Where indicators have been colour-coded, this shows statistical significance compared to England data. Source information for users to explore the data more thoroughly is linked at the bottom right of the graphic.
Dashboards - data visualisations
These are regularly updated with the latest data.
Cost of living - including inflation, family expenditure, road fuel and energy prices, jobs, employment, pay, Universal Credit, Citizens Advice and crime data.
The Health inequalities dashboard gives examples of inequalities and their impacts before showing differences between age groups and smaller areas.
Health (Suffolk summary) includes measures for wider determinants of health and health behaviours at county, district and borough levels.
Housing and environment (Suffolk summary) - includes housing demand and affordability, house-building figures, home heating, private transport availability and travel to work.
Personal wellbeing measures including happiness and anxiety for Suffolk's districts and boroughs in comparison to the county, region and country.
Population (Suffolk summary) - age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other data from sources including the 2021 Census.
Web reports
Each web page links to information divided into different documents.
Cancer profile (2023) - covers incidence, survival, diagnosis and specific cancer types.
Mental health needs assessment (2023) - with a specific chapter on older people's mental health.
Sensory impairments profile (2023) - prevalence and risk factors (including age) by impairment type (visual, hearing, dual, taste).
Housing and health needs assessment (2024) - includes separate chapters on unsuitable, unsafe, unhealthy, or insecure housing.
Smoking and vaping health needs assessment (2024) - assessment and appendices containing general information on the impact and prevalence of smoking and vaping, as well as local target population groups including routine and manual workers.
Suffolk Annual Public Health Report 2024- Ageing Well (2025) - The Director of Public Health's annual report focused on ageing well. This report is about envisioning and working towards a future where Suffolk is a place where everyone can live and age well.
Ageing well documents (PDF reports, presentations and infographics)
- Autism all age assessment – data profile (2022)PDF1.03MB
- Autism all age evidence review (2023)PDF466KB
- Digital inclusion Profile (2024)PDF1.47MB
- Drug and alcohol health needs assessment (2022)PDF7.33MB
- Health behaviours health needs assessment alcohol (2022)PDF650KB
- Health behaviours in Suffolk adult and child weight management (2022)PDF1.72MB
- Health behaviours in Suffolk physical activity (2022)PDF1.04MB
- Health behaviours in Suffolk Summary (2022)PDF1.16MB
- Health disability and unpaid care profile census (2021)PDF2.73MB
- Healthy ageing health needs assessment (2018)PDF5.09MB
- Healthy ageing health needs assessment summary (2018)PDF226KB
- Learning disability needs assessment (2021)PDF438KB
- Oral health profile (2022)PDF2.51MB
- Physical activity needs assessment (2022)PDF1.04MB
Report index
Filtered to show the most relevant resources for ageing well.