Annual Public Health Report 2023

The focus of the 2023 Annual Public Health Report for Suffolk is working with the cultural sector in Suffolk to improve health and wellbeing.

This year’s Annual Public Health Report focuses on the role the cultural sector has in supporting health and wellbeing, either directly or indirectly.

We know there is a strong evidence base to show that cultural participation plays a significant role in reducing health inequalities and addressing health and wellbeing needs, both at a population and an individual level.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a significant scoping review of over 3,000 research studies exploring the effect of the arts on health and wellbeing. The Report also includes case studies of good practice in Suffolk, linking them back to the World Health Organization (WHO) evidence base.

The report concludes with a set of ambitions and recommendations for the future of the cultural sector in Suffolk in relation to health and wellbeing.

Arts and culture can deliver a range of positive outcomes for health and wellbeing.
Culture Manifesto Star Zoom
The Norfolk and Suffolk Culture Manifesto
Creative health, is not just about leisure or entertainment; it is about utilising the transformative power of culture, creativity and identity to promote holistic wellbeing and quality of life.
Stuart Keeble Director of Public Health
Stuart Keeble - Director of Public Health
...The arts, enriching the mind through creative and cultural activity, can mitigate the negative effects of social disadvantage. Creative Health should be studied by all those commissioning services.
Drawing of many different faces
Professor Sir Michael Marmot
Arts and culture can deliver a range of positive outcomes for health and wellbeing.
Culture Manifesto Star Zoom
The Norfolk and Suffolk Culture Manifesto
Creative health, is not just about leisure or entertainment; it is about utilising the transformative power of culture, creativity and identity to promote holistic wellbeing and quality of life.
Stuart Keeble Director of Public Health
Stuart Keeble - Director of Public Health

Annual Public Health Report videos

These videos show cultural engagement in Suffolk grouped by life stage (from the Suffolk and North East Essex Joint Forward Plan). 

Creative Health Suffolk


Case studies used in the Annual Public Health Report