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Support Squad

When a young person transitions from being a child to a teenager, they can face new challenges which may affect the way they feel, sometimes causing low mood and in some cases anxiety or depression.
Changes in hormones and moving up to high school can be just a couple of the causes for this and we understand that as a parent, guardian or carer, it can be difficult to know what to say or how to offer support.
This page has been created for you, helping you to access free training and resources that can help you and the young person you support when life gets tough.
FREE Training in Suffolk
Click on the blue dropdown tabs below to learn more about the different training options available for parents and carers in Suffolk, discover upcoming dates and book your free place today!
The Kooth team provide free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling for young people aged 11-25year olds in Suffolk (10-18 year olds in Norfolk & Waveney), whilst also providing professionals and parents or carers with training that will support them to understand and support a young person who may be struggling with their emotional health and wellbeing.
Kooth is recognised and trusted partner of the NHS and is accredited by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
Check out the upcoming training sessions (These sessions online and if you cannot attend live you can watch back!)
Kooth are delivering online webinars for parents or carers who are currently supporting a young person who is avoiding school due to low mood, worry, anxiety or stress.
Dates available:
- Tuesday 3rd December - 7PM
- Wednesday 4th December - 10am
If you are unable to attend on either of these dates a recording can be sent to you so that you can watch back at your convenience. To book a place or request a recording click on the following link which will take you to the Kooth registration form: share.hsforms.com/1zn_7zR0kRhOVBkuXxWcqLAc5dpg
If this is not the training you need or are interested in, you can select and watch back some of Kooth's training sessions embedded below:
The Solihull Approach is about emotional health and wellbeing for all children, their parents, carers and grandparents. There are a huge range of online training courses available on the 'In Our Place' website and Suffolk residents can access them for FREE with the access code WOLSEY
The courses you can access include:
- Understanding your child’s mental health and well being
- Understanding your child’s feelings
- Understanding your own trauma
- Understanding your teenager's brain
- Moving up to secondary school for children with additional needs
- Understanding your child; from toddler to teenager
and many more!
You can access all of these courses today by visiting www.inourplace.co.uk
One here view 'Select Courses' and then enter the access code WOLSEY in the 'Apply Access Code' box. You will then be required to register. Once registered you will have access to all available online courses.
Want to understand more about the Solihull Approach?
Click on the embedded video below to understand more about the Solihull Approach and how it can support you and the young people in your lives!
Throughout the year the Psychology in Schools Team within the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, run a program of parent workshops which provide up to date advice and guidance on how parents and carers can support the young people in their life.
All the workshops are recorded for you to watch at any time. If you wish to attend a live online course, you can find the list of upcoming courses at www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/psychology-in-schools-team-nsft-32627846273
Catch up on some of the courses run in the past by clicking on the videos embedded below. For a full list of courses available to watch back visit www.nsft.nhs.uk/parent-workshops/
Useful links and tools for parents or carers of young people in Suffolk
Select the drop down below to discover links to support.
In addition to training we have also pulled together a list of tools, resources and useful links which may be helpful whilst you work with the young person in your life to improve their emotional and mental wellbeing.
Check out the list of services available to support you as a parent or carer.
Young Minds - Parent Support
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health. As well as proving young people with lots of useful resources and support, they also offer a parent helpline, an A-Z directory of mental health issues, plus useful guides and links to support.
Parent Helpline: 0808 802 5544
Teachers and Home Education Support
Suffolk Libraries have developed resources and events which support parents or carers of children and teens who are not attending main stream school.
Learn more at on Suffolk Libraries website.
If your children have Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) it can be very challenging. Sendiass are committed to providing children, young people and their parents and carers with the information, advice and support they need to take a full and equal part in discussions and decisions around SEND.
Helpline: 01473 265210
Text: 87007
Email: enquiries@suffolksendiass.co.uk
Wellbeing in Education
The Wellbeing in Education Programme includes a Mental Health Network, podcast and a wide range of resources to support Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA). Check out all of the available resources and support available on the Suffolk County Council website linked below.
Suffolk Local Offer
When children and teens are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing, particularly if they have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) they may struggle to continue attending school or deal with day-to-day life, and as a parent it can be very challenging to know what to do to support them. Suffolk Local Offer provide information and advice for families of children and young people. Check out
Suffolk InfoLink
Suffolk InfoLink is an online directory containing details of over 7,000 local organisations providing support, services and clubs across the county. Find support for you and your children by using the search function on their website or contact the team directly.
Email: infolink@suffolk.gov.uk
Phone: 01473 265265
Better Health - Every Mind Matters
As parents and carers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. Better Health have a dedicated section on their website which offers support and guidance for parents and carers, helping you to recognise signs your young person is struggling, whilst also supporting you to look after your own wellbeing whilst you navigate this challenging time.
Action For Children - Parent Talk
No matter what the young person you are parenting or caring for is going through, the Parent Talk Hub created by Action For Children can offer you support, guidance and tools.
NHS - Worried about your teenager?
It can be difficult for parents to tell whether their teenagers are just "being teens" or if there is something more serious going on. Understand some common mental health issues your teen could be faced with and access further support and advice from the NHS.
Support and services for young people
Select the drop down below to discover links to support.
There are lots of support services that can help your young person to cope and overcome the challenges they are currently facing.
Check out the list of services below and share these with the young person in your life.
Kooth is an online platform offering free, safe and anonymous support including practical tips, advice and tools, an online chat function with friendly online Kooth counsellors, a podcast and much more.
Inspire in Suffolk can offer up to 12 free counselling sessions to young people in Suffolk or North Essex aged between 10-25.
These sessions can be via WhatsApp video or in-person, and will be with a BACP-accredited counsellor, a BACP counsellor, or BACP trainee counsellor.
The first step is to to book an initial assessment. This assessment will just be a 15-30-minute phone call, where the team will aim to find out more about them and about what they hope to achieve in the sessions.
The Source
The Source offers information, advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk.
Email: thesource@suffolk.gov.uk
CALM - Campaign Against Living Miserably
Calm provide life-saving services, information and advice to help anyone struggling with life navigate the issues that can make us feel miserable. You can access their helpline through Whatsapp and live chat.
Free Helpline: 0800 58 58 58
Stem4 is the UK’s leading digital mental health charity for children and young people.
Email: enquiries@stem4.org.uk
The Junction
The Junction is a safe space in Lowestoft, providing free advice and guidance for young people aged 11-17 years old.
Phone: 01502 527200
Address: Sams,132 Bevan Street, East Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 2AQ
4YP - For Young People
4YP works with 7-25 year-olds in their Ipswich town centre hub, in schools and out in the community.
Phone: 01473 252607
Address: 14 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, IP4 1AP
The Mix, Stowmarket
The Mix is a youth charity that believes every young person from any background can thrive and grow to become their best selves.
Phone: 01449 745130
Address: 127 Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, IP14 1BB
Young Minds
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health
Level Two
Level Two is a youth project working with young people aged 7- 25 years old in Felixstowe, designed to enhance their personal and social development.
Phone: 01394 272521
Email: FYDG@leveltwo.org
Address: 54 Cobbold Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 7EL
Mind is a national charity offering lots of helpful resources for those struggling with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Good Thinking - NHS-approved apps
Good Thinking recommends NHS-approved apps for young people to help reduce your anxiety, get better sleep, lower your stress and boost your mood. Visit their website to find an app which will work for you today!

How have others been supported?
Organisations like Kooth, who are working hard to support young people across the country to improve their mental health and wellbeing are regularly recommended by parents and carers who may have been in a similar position to you. Check out the stories linked below to see how Kooth has helped other young people.
Stories from Kooth...
- Justin's StoryPDF76KB
- Nathan's StoryPDF101KB