Children's Healthy Weight - Everybody's Business

No matter who you are, we all have a vital role to play when it comes to supporting, inspiring, educating and encouraging children and young people in Suffolk to lead healthy lives.

After all, It takes a village, right?!

From the moment a baby enters the world and leaves the maternity ward, it is important that decisions are made and plans are in place which will support them to achieve a healthy weight throughout their life.

Parents will have a key a role to play, but they will need support from others around them too, whether that be their family, health visitors, teachers, community volunteers, planners and leaders, the local shop assistant...we ALL have a responsibility for the next generations health and wellbeing.

It's Everybody's Business...

This page has been designed for us all, a health professional or not, this is where we can all find information about the children’s healthy weight strategy for Suffolk (AKA Suffolk’s goals and plans to help children and families to achieve a healthy weight and happy lives), plus tools that can help us to work together to succeed!

In short, we want to encourage EVERYONE to think about the four topics listed below.

Click on the topics below to learn more (or if you want the more detailed stuff, click on the strategy document also linked below!)

Let’s work together...

Be inspired, share messaging, understand the issue.

Use the tools below to help learn more the importance of a healthy weight, access local services or support, spread the word and make a change for the children and young people in Suffolk. 

Local Stories

There are already a number of groups, communities, charities and organisations in Suffolk doing great work to support our children to achieve a healthy weight. 

Lots of parents and families have also done lots of great things to ensure the whole family are eating well, being active and achieving a healthy weight. 

Check out some of the local stories below and don't forget to share your own experiences using our form below